
汽車道 Kisya-Rode

Kisya Michi  汽車道 born in 1997 

This rail road was used for goods trains until  1986. 
Therefor you can see rails on the road.
But you can see  surface of rails like that usually.

 I would like to show you real rail way. 
Workers are replacing woods that are protecting real road. 
They are using Ipe woods to cover rail road.
Ipe is Brazilian walnut, that ratio is 1.2.  So Ipe is very hard and heavier than  water.
So, it sinks in the water !!  

Can you image why they have to replace Ipe ?
Yes, They have to abandon my tax in the ditch !!
No,  You can see some spaces between Ipe. So they eat the heel of  beautiful woman.

Do not wary about you !  Ipe eats beautiful woman's heel only.

See you.

( This photos took by Smart Phone,,,,)

right side is rail

Almost 5 years , They have to replace Ipe,You can see rail way sleeper too.

These woods are Ipe.

Old  Ipe loves beautiful women's heel.You can see spaces between Ipe and Ipe.
So, this space eats beautiful women's heel.

Upper side is replaced Ipe.

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